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Duncer | 14:11 Thu 08th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
My neighbour is having a new roof put on and the noise is horrendous. We've had hammering and banging since eight this morning and the cats are petrified. I realise work has to be done, and they are working very har, but what is really bugging me is the van, (white of course) radio turned up to such a level that I can hear it over my telly and through doudle glazing. I asked them twice to turn it down an they have said "No problem", both times, only for the volume to go back up again shortly afterwards.

Ideas/suggetions please before I go out and leather someone?


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Call your local council environmental health department.
Question Author
I've dealt with them before and it was like boiling water in a chocolate kettle.
Go and leather someone.
They won't be there for much longer.
Go out?
Cats + Van paintwork don't usually mix well.

I would have thought that it would take a few weeks to put on a new roof!
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It's my day off and I shouldn't have to leave the house because some pudding wants to play a radio at that level. I'm seriously thinking of calling the police.

Ummmm, thanks, I hope you're right. I'd have no problem putting up with the banging if they would just turn the radio down. It is deafening.
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wolf63, folks up the street had it done a while back and it took about a week, although the first 2/3 days were the worst.
let their tyres down!
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I might add that the two feckers next door are away for the day while they have the work done, because I tried to speak to them earlier. On the downside for them, they will need access to the rear of my house for other work, and it will not be forthcoming unless the radio problem is gone tomorrow.
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let their tyres down!

Alas, it is still daylight.
Haven't you got a cunning disguise?
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Jimmy Savill is a tad unpopular at present cupid?
Take their ladders away?
Is a local company doing the work or is it a one man and his mate type? If it's a company see if you can get the phone number, perhaps off the van and phone the boss up and threaten him with some adverse publicity in the local paper.
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I think they're a group of buckshee workers that my neighbour knows from his unqualified days in the trade. Like I said, I know the hammering is necessary, but that radio would be airborne by now if it wasn't attached to the van.
That is bloody annoying and totally inconsiderate of them and I would phone the police................pronto.

P.S or in my case, send Mrs sqad round.
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Is she free?

She can bring her own hammer.

\\\Is she free?\\\

No, but she gives 10% discount for ABers.
oh for goodness sake its a loud radio - just go round and tell them to turn the damn thing off cos you can't hear your telly inside your house - Believe me there will be one sensible one on site -usually an older one -I am forever turning down radios when I visit on site -its invariably the younger lads that turn it back up - speak to the boss if you can -if he's not there get his mobile number -any lip threaten with Health and Safety.

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