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Well, i rang the RSPCA, as there was no room anywhere else for them due to funding. RSPCA are useless as some of you quite clearly stated, they also have no room for the cats and as they are being fed, they can stay out till room is available. I told them that it is very cold outside, they visited the house and saw the cats looked healthy and fat, so not priority. They then proceeded to look at next door neighbours house, which is also empty, and i am sad to say that the tenants that lived in the next door house had a pet rabbit in a hutch in the shed, and when they moved they left it behind. No one seen it,even the property owner has not been as yet (not our property) but RSPCA inspector saw the poor rabbit today, dead in its hutch. Sad sick people out there that would leave innocent pets without care. The cats however, are still loitering around, poor little darlings, neighbours have fed them aswell.