I have been using my plastic supermarket bags to scoop my dog's poo. Now with the levy in I bought a large bag of dog poo bags and they disgusting in that they would be too small and you would "feel" it. Is there anywhere you could buy these large supermarket bag ie in a trade shop - after all the shops can get them. I do have trade card. Was thinking of Makro. Look tomorrow - am tired night night
yuk ratter - will think about taking a bit of biodegradable kitchen roll inside the bags. When little dog gets out I can bet he can go about 3-4 times and sometimes I am in a long street with no bins - so can be handling this foul waste for half an hour. That's why I take my minihandcleanser with me. It does make me mad though I am going to all this trouble and last night took Mr Harv out about 10pm for a bit of air - and it was everywhere and of course I couldn't bloody see.
I agree. I sometimes think I'm the only one who cleans up after their dog. It's annoying to come in after the last walk and find the treads on the soles of your boots clogged with dog poo.
samdy isn't the streeets around belfast city centre notorious - very bad and sometimes forgive the info but very big - i do pity the council sweepers. dirty nation.
I personally would say get over it as you will be thankful for the warmth on your hand in the winter. They are what they are and it is all part and parcel of being a responsible dog owner and having friend, companion, family member for the rest of its life. Did you/do you wear marigolds when you change(d) your kids nappy?
I still think to keep the streets clean - clean up after you - no I never changed kiddies nappies as I never had one - but think of the person before you and after you. CLEAN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pick up my dog's #2's while wearing latex gloves, and stuff them under the door handles of cars that are parked blocking the pavement so prams and wheelchairs can't get past them.