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The Safe Thread - Pussy Cats Are Cute

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SIRandyraven | 18:25 Sun 12th May 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
In order to protect this thread from deletion, only replies discussing cute bunny rabbits and kittens is permitted.

No arguments.
No differences of opinion.
No risky humor allowed.
All contributors must have a picture of "Our Dear" leaders (mod and editors) on the wall.

Anything else will be considered a ChatterBank political crime and you will be ar risk of being deported to SportsAnswerbank for 10 years, with no parole.


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for gods sake, we GET your point
I love pussy!!

Risque though surely?
I love bunny rabbits, red wine small onions and button mushroom and you have dish fit for a king
Pussy cats are cute Sir Sandy but they can be deadly! I have the scars .. ;-)
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Gasp !
Bednobs have broken the thread law by at least 3 points.
Off with your reply
Wow, I go off for a spa day and things seem to have gone a bit whooooah!

It seems that things are stamped on much quicker these days, some of the crap we used to get on here years ago was unbelievable, especially when there wasn't so much regulation so swings and roundabouts.
Do hamsters count ?.
Easter chicks are cute and fluffy.
Sir Randy -can I just give you a big virtual 'hug' and let you know I'll always be here for you -you can tell me 'anything' it will go no further - xxxx
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So far so good ...only bednobs for transportation so far.

p.s. My 4 Greats Grandfather gave evidence once against a criminal in 1845 , who was deported to Australia ...or was it Tasmania ....
SIR,where are you off to?
Not a safe thread. I have just spent quite a while clearing cats poo from my lawn.I know there are cat lovers on here but these cats are poor neglected things,but why my lawn?
I love pussy cats and green beans from Kenya.
Please don't mention cats....
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Well mags - My confession involves a Cute Pussy cat a vacuum cleaner and a hamster. No i can't go on ....but A & E said they had never seen anything like prior.
Oh by the way SIRandyraven, no one on SAB anymore !.
Because I have the same problem as giveup.
But, beans aren't cute or fluffy ?
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