Motoring0 min ago
Yet Another Dog Killing.
http:// news/uk -englan d-merse yside-2 2672602
When is it going to be made compulsory for all dogs to wear muzzles at all times when outside owner's home ?
It doesn't affect the dog, but ensures the safety of the general public.
Self-styled dog lovers have had it their own way for far too long.
When is it going to be made compulsory for all dogs to wear muzzles at all times when outside owner's home ?
It doesn't affect the dog, but ensures the safety of the general public.
Self-styled dog lovers have had it their own way for far too long.
But any punishment is too late after the event. The dog owner I encountered in the park the other day was neither a chav nor a moron. She was a middle aged woman with a big over excited dog. Its enthusiasm and friendliness was overwhelming and unwelcome. It nearly had me over and almost crushed the toddlers. It wanted to play ball with the baby and with the picnic...
14:47 Mon 27th May 2013
People around here bring dogs on the school run. Bloody things are sniffing at the kids, sniffing lunch boxes, etc. Time and a place for dogs. Thing 2 doesn't like dogs and they can really spook him. My children are allowed to touch dogs that they know but are seriously not allowed to touch other dogs even if invited to (annoys some dog owners, but I do try to to explain - would rather a slightly miffed dog owner to a bitten child).
It's the owners of these dogs who are the problem not the animals, poor dogs die because of rubbish owners who use them as status symbols as much as anything! All dogs should be bred under licence IMO and neutered before having an owner. The poor people who die through the neglect of owners to train their dogs are innocent victims, we never heard of this type of happening years ago afaic.
Bit ludicrous in practice. Not many of the chihuahuas or other toy breeds are dangers to the public! Of the 160+ breeds on the Kennel Club list none are inherently dangerous. When it came to identifying dangerous breeds, the experts could only come up with 3 and the "pit bull type".Only the last has ever been seen in this country; just as well, for the Argentine guarding breed listed is so dangerous that, when it is shown in Argentina, even the judges don't enter the ring
I walked alongside the river this week. It was in town and part of a busy park area, when a big dog came bounding along off the leash. It jumped up at me and my OH and not being dog owners, we were not at all confident with it.
The owner was screaming at it to come back but it just ran on amongst the families, little tots playing ball and Mums with buggies. It was a huge dog and absolutely terrifying. Thankfully nothing happened as one of the Dads managed to grab it while the owner caught up with it. But what law is there to protect us all in that park when an owner is so dismissive?
The owner was screaming at it to come back but it just ran on amongst the families, little tots playing ball and Mums with buggies. It was a huge dog and absolutely terrifying. Thankfully nothing happened as one of the Dads managed to grab it while the owner caught up with it. But what law is there to protect us all in that park when an owner is so dismissive?
My next door but one neighbour allows his dog out into the alleyway behind our houses every day (instead of walking it), the bloody thing got into my yard last Thursday and was trying to attack my cats, it also poops outside my back gate making it very difficult for us to use that entrance without stepping in dog mess. I have tried asking him not to do it but he says his dog isn't hurting anyone so he will carry on. I am now quite scared to sit with my back door open (back gate closed and bolted) in case it manages to get in again.
"It doesn't affect the dog". What utter tosh! My dog would be terrified if I put a muzzle on him and he wouldn't understand it at all. Another typical knee jerk reaction! This was another large dog owned by thick chavs who left it to roam round the garden most of the time (the gentleman who died had complained about the dog to neighbours), probably half starved and given no love or care whatsoever. So because of morons who treat their dogs like this, my lovely boy should be muzzled!!! He hasn't a bad bone in his body and just wants to play and enjoy his life (like all dogs owned by decent, responsible people. I'd like to muzzle the c*** owners though! Hope they get the book thrown at them.