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Grrr, My Neighbour This Lunchtime.....

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trt | 13:36 Thu 04th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Has fixed a plastic cat on top of our back dividing panel fence to deter birds from perching on them.

Last year he put those spikey things on top but the birds just walk on it anyway.

I think he dislikes birds because they poo on his side when they perch on the fence because I feed them daily.

I don't know him as he and his wife keep themselves private, so what should I do as I enjoy seeing the various birds in my garden?


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will it work for long, if it never moves the birds will wise to it. probably use it as a perch....
Leave him to it. It won't prevent birds coming into your garden
Yes, I'm not certain that it will work any way. They'll get used to this strange object and it's movement that scares them - not something cat-shaped.
So, poo to him!!
Get a bird table.
Get a big plastic dog & sit it on the fence - scare the cat away ;+)
Tie a little monkey toy dressed as a jockey to the back of the cat (for no other reason than to totally confuse your neighbour).
lol, please do that ^^^^^^
snags for best answer
Fix a bird feeder to his side of the fence, that was they with defecate on your garden and you will still be able to enjoy them :)
Birds aren't that daft, I agree with Pixie, it won't scare them. When the neighbours are out smear your side of the cat with fat and stick seed to it :)
Oh, how I wish I were in binocular range of this situation! Hours of innocent fun.
Go out and collect lots of cat poo and when they are out tip it over his side of the fence where the cat is sitting. That should confuse him ;o)
The birds will probably just use it as a perch once they are used to it. My idiot neighbour has attached a wind chime and some spinners to her bird table and the birds still come and feed there.
Love Robinia and mazie's answers (lol).
what a creative thread this is.....kudos to your neighbour for being the driver behind might go and tell him so???? lol
Hide a speaker next to the fence and play a constant loop of meeows.
I thought those black plastic cats you stick in the garden are to deter other cats, not the birds. Our neighbour had one for that reason. Likewise with the prickle-strips on the edge of fences, they stop cats from getting over, and the birds just perch on them. They do deter cats, we have them on the fences all round our garden, as we love feeding the birds and don't want cats chasing them. It seems its the only thing that does deter them .............
Birds ain't daft. They'll soon learn its plastic. Personally I'd set fire to it.
I don't see what the problem is..............

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