has anyone noticed more wasps around than usual. I tried to have some lunch yesterday, al fresco as you do, and ended up losing the lot to a swarm of angry wasps. Miffed i was...
Haven't seen many wasps this year so far, certainly not here in Sussex. September is the month they start to be a real bother. This year though I have noticed a SLIGHT increase in the amount of bumble bees around. I planted a lavender bush in my front(south facing) garden and it's been covered in bees. At the back of the house, the honey bees seem to love the Buddleia and the Hebe(not sure of spelling?)and honeysuckle. I do all I can to encourage the bees and the butterflies.
I've got saponaria in my garden which seems to attract moths. Its a very pretty pink flowered plant, long flowering period, easy to grow a pleasant scent like expensive floral soap. The other big draw is fuchsia magellanica, the varigated leaf variety which is full of bees from early to late.
i was outside, so the people surrounding me must have wondered why i was doing my flight of the bumble bee/wasp impression... i haven't seen so many for yonks.
my lunch outside was almost ruined again, they came at me like trident missiles, one beastie though not a wasp dropped straight into the coffee, that was annoying..