I went to bed about 10pm and woke up at 10.30 as I thought I could hear my dog being sick downstairs.
When I got downstairs he was lying on the sofa having what I can only describe as an epileptic fit. His body was limp but he was frothing at the mouth.
That was half an hour ago. Since then he's been pacing around downstairs in a daze, his back legs keep going from under him and its like he doesn't recognise me. He is panting and continually pacing around in a state of confusion.
He's 12 years old and never had a history of fitting. I'm sure if its simple eplilepsy its treatable via medication?
Oh no :-(
I can't really offer anything more than above, to sleep close to him tonight, and see a vet tomorrow, but I just wanted to say my thoughts are with you.
Been there, not nice. xx
The symptoms you describe fit exactly what we experienced a few years ago here in the U.S. Found later that the dog had lapped up some spilled anti-freeze (for cars). He lived but with a few noticeable side effects. Vet said it only takes a little to have a real deleterious effect on dogs. Apparently the dogs really like the flavor…
Among other things, you might wish to see if there was a source of ethylene glycol (EGW) or propylene glycol (PGW) around…
Give him as much water as he can or will drink. Vets also recommend a tablespoon or so of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. But… you should check with a professional first...
So sorry to hear about your poor dog and all the worry for you, I hope you get the help for him today from the vet, please let's us know how things go.
Poor thing, very sorry to hear the little lads not well. Thoughts are with you today, I'm sure the vet will put your mind at ease and explain the possibilities.
You are doing the right thing by providing plenty of water and keeping him calm. All the very best, Peas xx
Let us know what happens today, booldawg - I must admit that if that had happened to me, I'd have phoned the emergency vet straight away, even if only for advice over the phone.
We have an appointment at 10:40. I suppose its hard for the vet to make a diagnosis as it will be based on what I can tell them about the symptoms.
He had another fit at 9am, frothing at the mouth, laid on his back kicking his legs. I turned him on his side and wiped the froth away and tried to calm him down. He's just wandering around the house, listless.