my kittens tail in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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my kittens tail

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rolo_chihuah | 01:55 Thu 11th Aug 2005 | Animals & Nature
46 Answers


we recently brought home a kitten we also have two gogs a chihuahua and a lab x

my labx has had hold of the 8 week old kitten and she now has difficulty walking her tail just dangles (i think its broken) and when she walkes she wobbles and crys.

has anyone had this happen to them and if so what will happen when i take her to the vets?

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You absolutely MUST get this kitten to the vet, right away.  If the tail is broken or damaged then the vet may be able to surgically remove it, but I would be much more concerned about the nerve supply to the bladder and rectum.  If this has been damaged by a pulling action on the tail there is a risk that the kitten will be unable to pass urine, and this in turn leaves the animal at risk of a ruptured bladder and/or renal damage. PLEASE go and see the vet (and keep the dogs away from the kitten in the meantime).
I can only echo what Eels said. Get that kitten to the vet, right now!
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she is using the litter tray as ive seen her do it.

the only thing that seems affected by her tail is her balance.  the vet wouldnt be able to amputate her tail yet as she is only 8 weeks thats far to young to go under anistetic

Why don't you let the vet decide what has or has not been affected, and whether he can put the kitten under anaesthetic or not. Take it to the vet - NOW !
I agree, if you haven't already done so...please take this poor little kitten to the vet.  If I was in your position I wouldn't have wasted time talking about it on a website.  The vet will be able to give you much more advice then we can.  GET THE KITTEN TO A VET NOW PLEASE.
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she is ok its just her tail that need docking.

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i will take her for it doing when i get payed.

How about you take the kitten to the vet now and put the bill on a credit card?? I can't imagine that it you broke your coccyx you would hang around for an extended period of time before getting it seen to...

The tail is an extension of the spine...  That'a a relatively important bone...

I'm sorry- is this a wind up???

Your kitten is injured and you're on here asking if you should seek medical help for it?

Tell me- if this was your child would you be on here asking our advise 1st before seeking out your GP????

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no its not a wind up

she has broken her tail i have no money till tommorow thats when ill take her. shes in no pain she is walking eating and using the litter tray.

i would have taken her sooner if i had the money and i dont own any credit cards (dont belive in them)

For goodness sake take the poor thing to the vets NOW.
If not the P.D.S.A .I'm sure if you explain your circumstances the vet will waive the fee until you are able to pay.No decent vet will refuse to treat an animal because you can't pay.
You did state that she cried when she walked- that would indicate that she's in pain, I'm sorry if this offends you but I'm flummoxed as to why you did not seek out the vet, at least phone them up!- immediatly. Like I said if this was a child i'm darned sure you would not hesitate!
personally i think if you are witless enough to spend the time posting messages when your kitten is obviously in pain, you shouldnt be allowed to have her!!! use your common sense and get it to the ruddy vet!!!!! if an animal is in pain, the vet will treat it, whether you have the money on you or not!

To be honest, I'm horrified to see you still posting here.  This animal has an externally obvious fracture, and who knows what else has been damaged in this incident with a dog, and you're leaving it without pain relief or treatment of any sort on financial grounds?

If you made the mistake of getting an animal that you could not afford to pay for then I hope you won't do it again, but the damage is done and needs attention.  The vet is extremely likely to admit the animal anyway and won't expect payment until she is released.  If you ahve financial problems, please be sure to explain these to the vet who will try to help.  There's no excuse for neglect - it's nothing short of cruel to leave her to suffer.

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i phone the vet today

i had to pay 20pound upfrunt then 20% of the fee i have 40p in coppers to my name and cart afford to do it till i get payed

you may be right i shoulnt be alowed to have her but i dint no this was going to happen and its not my fault im on sick gettin 200pounds a month to pay 10,000pounds of dept the rent buy food council tax extra

In that case get the phone book out and call the local PDSA, and your local branch of the CPL.  Your vet might be able to give you the numbers if you can't find them in the book.  One or other of these might be able to help.  Alternatively you could call a local rescue centre and see if they will take her on - you will have to sign her ownership over to them, but if your dogs are not safe around her and she is going to run up big vets bills, perhaps that would be the best option all round.  Either way, she needs seen by a vet, end of story.  Where are you in the country?  I'll try to help.
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thanx for noffing no one has actualy answed my question.

thanx for the wast of time.

Nobody can tell you what injuries she has without examining her!  All anyone can reasonable suggest is that you get her to someone who CAN answer your questions.  I have offered you help and am willing to do what I can but the powers of the internet do not extend far enough to allow me access to your home to examine, diagnose and treat your sick pet tonight, for free.  What more do you want?!  Now where are you in the country and I will try to help you.

No- this obviously hasnt happened to anyone else. And how the ruddy 'ell are we supposed to know what will happen when ( I sincerely hope it is a when too) you take her to the vet.

I still find it gobsmacking that you are obviously short of funds (not a crime in itself i agree) and yet you take on another animal you cannot afford, or should I say that you have no contingency fund for emergancies.

Your kitten is obviously in pain, wouldn't you be if a limb of yours was possibly broken? and yet you appear unfeeling.

I sincerely hope that your kittens gets better, grows a bit, and finds itself an owner who will take better care of it!

i don't care how much of a pet lover you claim to be if you can't afford animals you shouldn't have them, it is irresponsible and extremely cruel

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