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Looke Like....

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seekeerz | 11:58 Fri 30th May 2014 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
it just might be close to fledging time at Notts. The nest is certainly empty and I can only see two at present.


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They're certainly getting more adventurous and moving further and further along the ledge from the nest, they seem to have lost most of their downy feathers too. I wonder what innate sense stops them from j

They seem to be getting more and more adventurous, moving further along the ledge, stretching and flapping their wings and have lost most of their downy feathers.

I just wonder what innate sense stops them from wandering straight off the ledge in their ramblings!

Don't know why this post went wrong!!!
The camera operator is having trouble keeping up with them.

Have you seen the daft names that have been suggested for them. I am not going to vote. Whoever heard of a peregrine called Snap, Crackle, or Pop!
What's happened to the camera angle? Is it remote control or has it just slipped?
They were all hanging about there just a few minutes ago, graham. I presumed the camera person had just followed them. However, as you say, it might have slipped.
Ha. Camera back to normal now. Must be remote. TNX.

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