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Difference Between Butterflies And Moths.

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dartagnon | 21:57 Sun 27th Jul 2014 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Many, many years ago when I was at primary school I remember being told that a Butterfly would always settle on a plant with its wings closed and that a moth would have open wings. Was I given wrong info all those years ago or is it still a good rule of thumb.
The reason I'm asking is that on recent travels to Tenerife and Florida I've seen what I thought were beautiful "Butterflies" on plants with their wings open, so can anyone please put me right on how to identify.

Thanks in anticipation.


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I think that long-ago info was wrong - I too have seen many butterflies landing with their wings open. My rule of thumb is that moths have hairy bodies - butterflies don't.
From the website of the US Library of Congress:
And IMO butterflies are prettier.
Oops, I stand corrected Chris!
think this is a fabulous site if your keen on wildlife
It's a bit hidden in Chris's link, but in the UK moths have sharp ends to their antennae, while a butterfly's antennae has club ends. The link does point out that the antennae of some moths found in Indonesia and Australia are exceptions to this rule.

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