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Dog Poo.....

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gness | 16:01 Tue 07th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
....pales into insignificance when you read this....though I do hope it isn't entirely true.....or has been exaggerated....

As I said....I am not a lover of dogs.....though I don't dislike them....I couldn't hurt one but.....

I could easily use a cattle prod on the testicles of dog owners like this... if, as I's true....x


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This disgraceful attack is everything to do with the owners and nothing to do with the dog. I hope the idiots are caught. Poor child.
There are some utterly vile humans out there - God help us all !
What is wrong with some people?

Exactly the wrong type of person to have 'responsible' ownership of a dog.
Despicable act by two hateful men.
Absolutely not the fault of the dog, it wasn't out of control it was very much under control and I sincerely hope that they are banned for life from keeping animals if its true.
Lock them up and have the dog put down.
As a matter of interest would you also do that to all retired police dogs who are also taught to attack at command Tony?
If it attacked a person after retirement then yes.
The vast majority of MOD guard dogs are put down when they retire.
This dog attacked someone when it was commanded to apparently, as will most dogs if trained to do so including police dogs- before or after retirement is irrelevant.
before or after retirement is irrelevant.

Not to me it Aint.
Thought not.
Well thats alright then.
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Hi, Tony....I guess a dog, after retirement, wouldn't be homed with an irresponsible if it did attack it would suggest the dog is dangerous?....x that so...I didn't know that.... seems a shame. Can they not be re-homed with a responsible person? if it did attack it would suggest the dog is dangerous?....x

My thoughts exactly, gness.
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A few can but only with their handlers

Not the dogs fault but the fault of the humans, perhaps they should be put down.

I agree, Piper. Unfortunately the law doesn't allow that though.

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Dog Poo.....

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