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Worried About Kitten

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smurfchops | 08:30 Wed 15th Oct 2014 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
My sweet natured four month old kitten seems to be changing. She usually purrs when she comes on my bed in the morning, this morning no purrs, although she was fine and let me stroke her as usual. Suddenly though she has started turning on her side or back and lashing out with her paws, although not with claws. This is a shock as she has not done this before. Could Her nature be changing, is she coming into season, and when she is speyed next month might she stop this behaviour ? Does a sweet nature change as they grow older?


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Just sounds like she playing with you. Cats won't turn on their backs unless they trust you. She will grow and change her habits.
make sure you play with her during the day with some sort of chasing toy. cats are hunters and love to chase things. My cats favorite toy is a piece of screwed up newspaper tied with a long sting which I pull around and after awhile I let him catch it and he shreds it and is well pleased with himself.
She is bestowing on you a great honour by exposing her stomach to you as this is her most vulnerable area. Accept the compliment with grace smurf:-)
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I know but she has never done this before, rolling over from her back and lashing out, luckily without the claws... Myy last cats were both quite vicious and scratchd all the time, but this little girl has always been docile when I have gently stroked her tummy. She has lots of toys and lots of love!
You know what cats are like, She's just letting you know that she's accepted you into the house that now belongs to her :-)
"this little girl has always been docile when I have gently stoked her tummy" Most cats don`t actually like having their belly stroked. I know my last cat would have clawed me to death if I`d tried that. Maybe the kitten is now old enough to tell you that she doesn`t like it.
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I was stroking her back, and she turned over and up came the paws. I usually gently stroke her chest between her front paws, she lets me do that with her little front legs bent aah, if I gently stroke any lower she touches me with back paws, so I dont do that, I know how tender this area is.. When kittens are due for their season does their mood change?
How old is she?
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Around four and a half months. I am having her speyed in a month, should it be done earlier by the way ?
You're at the right time for speying, leave it to six months and she could be pregnant.....

Don't worry about her playing and smacking you, my No. 1 Son still does just that - rolls onto his back, plays pretty, then suddenly grabs me round the arm with both paws (and the back legs too, sometimes). It's play, it's nothing nasty - it's a bit uncomfortable though with a 6-kilo cat firmly attached!
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She has been in the garden a coupleof times and loves it, being female however I am aware that males could be lurking so have decided not to let her out again until she has been 'done'. I am so worried she will get up one of the trees and over the fence, I dont know why I am so worried as I never worried about my last two cats going out when they were young although they were male ... Maybe it is me just getting older and worrying about everything !
smurf she will probably change her behaviour a lot as she develops,it's perfectly normal. Most kittens are purry and snuggle up on your neck etc but by the time they are grown up cats end up as all sorts of different types including those who won't give you the time of day.
Hello smurf,i'd be tempted to get her spayed now-just in case,then you can let her outdoors again.Good luck anyway.
I think 4 1/2 months is too young to be spayed, it's much more invasive than neutering a male and involves quite a big side cut and stitches. I'd wait until 5 mths minimum, think you have it right smurf.

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