I was only dimly aware of TTIP care of various Facebook/Twitter memes currently in circulation. Like any activism campaign, it is easy to get swept along by the feeling of a just cause but reading the background material is mentally draining (to me, anyway) and, after a night's sleep, I've forgotten the whole thing. Every day there's another half a dozen things demanding similar amounts of my attention.
Anyway, the fear was that BP wanted to recover large chunks of their Gulf of Mexico spill payouts because they believe there was widespread fraud, on the part of many gulf coast residents and fisheries.
Its absurd to lobby for a bill such that you can casually damage the environment, make a public show of clearup and reparations and then clawback from the government in ways which are invisible to the public before progressing onto a repeat cycle of the whole charade. Fines are supposed to instil behavioural change.
There may be a tie-in with KeystoneXL plans. There has already been a tar spill (Wisconsin??) where they bulldozed the goo into a pond, it is so dense that it sinks - "out of sight, out of mind" - and probably never will get properly cleared up unless there was an outbreak of birth defects, unequivocally linked to it. They want the legislation in place well ahead of any such disasters.