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My dog is nuts

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Deore | 20:22 Wed 14th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
So my dog is a jack russel and he goes mentle whenever I leave the house. He barks and growls like he attacking something as soon as I touch the door handle to go out. When I shut the door behind myself all you can hear is him throwing himself at the door and barking and snarling.......... First why the HELL is he doing that and second how can i get him to stop it???


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He's exhibiting something called separation anxiety, which is a behavioural problem very commonly seen in dogs.  There are a number of approaches to resolve or improve the problem, but I suggest you seek the help of a professional in this matter.  It is important that the methods used to deal with the dog are gentle and positive because the problem stems from a lack of confidence and needs a kind and patient approach.  Even with the help of a behaviourist it's something which you are going to need to work on yourself to solve.

Try this link - you will need a referral from your vet though.

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Sounds about right, his previous owner had him from a pup and use to just shut him in a barn all day chasing rats.
the reason why ur dog keeps doing this is that it's scared that you may abandon him. the best thing to is go through your going out routine and like getting ur keys bag and coat or whatever you do and and repeatedly go out shut door come in again and repeat this so that he knows when you go out you are definatley going to come back so he doesn't mind if you go out x

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My dog is nuts

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