Crows in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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SeaJ | 18:03 Tue 11th Aug 2015 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
We live in a little village in South Wales and we normally have hundreds of crows all over the place.
Over the last week or so they have all seemed to disappear, is there a logical reason for this?
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There was a huge flock of crows in Bridgend over the weekend. Maybe they were on a day trip.
Have they moved on for a better supply of food elsewhere perhaps, SeaJ?
Perhaps they thought that the border control in South Wales was too easy and have gone to seek a more challenging location.
If you discover why then please tell the very annoying seagulls that keep pooing over my mums garden I know she would appreciate it!!
Perhaps they come to your area to nest/breed, and now the youngsters are fully grown they're all off to more appropriate pastures.
Were they crows? They could be rooks.
Your crows are probably rooks. Rooks normally form large flocks but crows only form flocks when they are juveniles having left the nest. It is normal also for rooks to occupy a rookery for some years and then just move away without any reason discernable by humans.

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