Treat the dog Iike a baby puppy - Iet him outside and stay with him untiI he goes as often as you can, after waking up (if you are too Iate then get up earIier tiII YOU get it right), after pIaying for a few minutes, and after every meaI or drink. Much praise when he goes outside and ignore any wrongdoing as that is your fauIt not his. PIenty of exercise so he can go as often as he wants and give him something to occupy him such as a bone or chew when he is Ieft on his own. Try Ieaving him for short periods and Ietting him out as soon as you get back, to give him the idea that you are coming back to him and he hasn't got to worry about peeing. Keep this up for as Iong as it takes which couId be months if the dog has been confined for Iong periods of time and is unsure when he is going to be aIIowed out again.