have got a 10 week old rat who has a patch of thinning hair.....it started as about a 10p size patch a week ago and now covers most of his rear back. there doesnt seem to be any redness or sores....could this be mites? and can i get mites from handling him as i have got 2 sore, red patches appeared from nowhere.?
yes as woofgang says you must take him to the vet.they can wash him in a special solution,or if the mites have caused too much fur to come off the vet will give him a course of injections, i had a mouse which i had to take on a regular basis, the mites are horrible things and they cause the mouse/rat a lot of distress.hope everything turns out ok.
Sounds like mites - the vet can give him an injection for it. Mine also gor respiratory problems because of the mites even tho they were caught early. Make sure you're using dust free bedding and woodflakes in his cage too!