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Ratter...where Are You ?

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mikey4444 | 06:04 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Not heard much from Ratter recently !


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he lost one of his much loved wolf hounds a few days ago..will not be feeling too chatty :o(
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Sorry to hear that Minty.
I'm still here, yes as Minty says, we lost our keeva unexpectedly, all a bit sombre here at the mo. We all feeling a bit lost, she was a big part of our family.
We will get another pup in a few months but not just yet.
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So sorry to hear that Ratter...I know exactly how you must be feeling. Get a new pup asap.
Condolences Ratter, they leave a massive gap when they leave ......
I'm so sorry, Ratter. I still grieve for Alfie every single day.

We have had an offer of a pup which we have jumped at, however the *** isn't mated yet but we know the breeder and she will breed some solid pups all going well.
Wolfhounds are quite rare, and good ones even more rare, so feeling greatly honoured by this offer as good ones don't come up very often.
I am sorry to hear that you have lost one of your beloved dogs, Ratter.
rediculous that I cant call a female dog by the correct term!!!
What happened to Keeva, Ratter?
Thanks all, just trying to keep ourselves busy. Not easy today as I have now hurt my back, making big concrete balls lol.
"What happened to Keeva, Ratter?"
We noticed keeva turning one of her back paws out as she walked but displaying no sign of pain, "Pets at Home" vet checked her over and said it was probably arthritis, which is what we suspected. 3 days later we noticed her back end a little stiff on walking.
Then the leg began to swell. We took her to our local vet for a second opinion at 5.15. They said the leg was infected and they wanted to keep her in and put her on an antibiotic drip overnight.
At 9.30 they phoned to say she was struggling with breathing, then at 12.30 they phoned to say she had died. We went to collect her in the morning, the vets think that she most likely died from something I never heard of called "Alabama Rot" without spending a fortune on a post mortem we will never know for sure, and that wont bring her back.
Sorry that was to Tilly. ^^^
Thank you for that, Ratter. An unexpected and sudden end for you all. I wish you luck with your new pup, when you get it.
Thanks Tilly xxx
I have just googles Alabama Rot, the symptoms don't appear to be the same as those which Keeva had. It does appear to be a horrible disease.
Oh has m so sorry to all of you ,:-(
I am really sorry to hear about Keeva. I know that they are not a breed that is long-lived but this must have come as a shock to you. I hope the other hounds are well, they will miss her too.

So sorry for your loss ratter. Ive had 2 hounds from the wolfhound rescue trust. Would the trust interest you?
4 years now since I lost my faithful lab . I know exactly how you feel . I still miss him but I have never had another getting too old but both my kids have the most loveable staffs . They are here lots and I have them on holidays . I have my sons one now I think he thinks he has moved in. lol

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