Tuesday. Cloudy this morning, still warm outside. I spent the evening out the back watching the deer on the hillside while enjoying a rather nice red. Butterflies and bees all over the lavender and other flowery plants, I've no idea what their names are. There's a hedgehog taken up residence in Tiggy Towers, I don't know if it's the same one that stayed a while then left, but it's welcome. There were several sparrowhawks having fun riding the thermals, so graceful, so beautiful. I came in about midnight. A pleasent evening.
Some shoplifting this morning, and a haircut. such fun I have! :o}
I'm good waterman, sleep replenished, for the moment anyway. I was sooooo tired yesterday, the heat, tablets and because it was so so warm yesterday.. I had a lager! I was doped! This is as alive as I get, the start of the day LOL.
I'll qualify that a bit. I have clocks that have an alarm function, but the only one that I ever use is the one in the kitchen, for timing cooking when required.