Tuesday. It's rather pleasent outside, Tiggy is mooching about out the back, he wandered round to the front earlier, he's getting adventurous! :o}
I'm out to lunch today, Looking forward to someone else doing the washing up. :o} We're going to a pub on the riverbank, I haven't been there for about fifteen years! Vera and I went there to watch the Severn Bore, it was a 5*, the best one.
Good morning WBM, its going to be a lovely day for lunch by the river. Tiggy is busy about the garden here too, and you're up and about as I'm just off to bed, so I'll say goodnight now, although I'll be about again in a few hours time.
Morning boys, gave up trying to sleep.
Envy you the bore, my sister and I will get there some day.
Not sure what I will do today but the market's in town might be a plan. I have a bit of room in the freezer and there's a butcher who sells goat. Haven't had curry goat for ages.
Bought a small variety of heirloom tomato seeds at a market last Saturday, can't remember their names. Tad of gardening tomorrow hopefully some nice juicy flavoursome tomatoes in the future, not wooden crispy tasteless things like supermarkets sell.