Checked one of my nest boxes 2 weeks plus ago. Blue Tits eggs. A bit of a surprise, it’s one I made to encourage a robin to nest. Letter box opening instead of a circular hole. Now the weekend no sign of bird sitting and starting to incubate. I understand the hen lays eggs then leaves the clutch until finished laying. Past years it’s been around mid June before chicks fledge and fly the nest. Is it a bit late for hen to start sitting. Maybe something has scared the hen away I’ve seen cats in past years just sitting under boxes staring but not this year.
How lovely, i have bluetits nesting in my neighbors house (they have a small hole in their house some how, half way up. The bluetits come to my birdfeeder
I first noticed the eggs around 22nd April. As of yesterday 22nd May, no hen sitting to incubate. It’s too late now. For some reason, Cats/death mother has abandoned them, Hopefully next year.