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A Dogs Master

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fruitsalad | 10:21 Wed 12th Jun 2019 | Animals & Nature
115 Answers
Who would a dog consider it's master to be, if husband and wife share the chores, i.e. walking, feeding etc and spend equal amounts of time with it.


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He does it for attention,then moments later posts about a baby elephant rescue.

Its not the first time Clarion has advocated cruelty to dogs, some sad story about a bad experience has warped into a wannabe abuser!
I pity any animals that live near him!
I pitty the people who live in Sudan.
What clarion said is kind of true. Dogs see the dominant one as the master. Try not to baby your dogs, turns them into pathetic fluff balls instead of the strong animals they are.
How many dogs do you own Spath?
Given that you have frequently told us how young you are so would be interested how many dogs you have actually owned and cared for and paid the upkeep for in that time?
You don't need to own a dog to know about dogs. Very basic animals.
Basic animals? Really, have you sat with a dog who is crying because they are so terrified of human touch or a sound or of the dark?
Have you been with a dog when it experiences joy for the first time?
No? Do it and then come and tell me they are basic animals.
I do NOT condone animal abuse.. especially kicking dogs.

But the general gist of what Clarion says is kind of true. Dominance in a dogs eyes = master.
I never said they are simple animals. I said they are basic.
Dominance in a dog's eyes = fear!
so when you have your dog on a lead, it's terrified?
spath you are so wrong and I speak as someone who has lived with dogs for 35 years OG you are wrong too.
It's all well and saying "you're wrong"... Put us right then all knowledgeable one.
You don't 'master' your dog by abusing it, spath. You do it in much the same way as you would raise your child. With love, patience and understanding. You teach it the rights and wrongs. You reward it when good and chastise it when bad. By the tone of your voice, not by kicking or beating it.
Dominance? Yes thats the word that Jess's owner used when she was siezed by the dog warden - dominance was used to try and train a gun shy dog, dominance was used to tie a dog up in a sheep shed in the dark, dominance was used when he withheld food from her, dominance was used when he continually fired guns at her to get her obediance!
So excuse me for not believing you or Clarion!
Spath you don't want to be put right - you have your awkward head on.

Please don't make it a day of squabbles.
//I speak as someone who has lived with dogs for 35 years //

Just a beginner then, lots to learn ahead.
So you equate taking a dog for a walk on the lead as dominance. You really don't understand dogs at all, spath, no matter how much you say you do. As soon as i reach for the dog's lead, he goes nuts with excitement. And he knows that as soon as we hit the grass, he's off the lead and watering every blade of grass there.
As a person who has trained several dogs I totally agree with Ken at 09.42.

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