Technology1 min ago
Who Does Your Cat Look Like?
29 Answers
Daft question maybe, but following on from Wolf63’s pic of Ed Sheeran/cat on Chico’s thread
https:/ /tinyur y3kgvzc
I wanted to take a pic of my cat as she sat in the sunshine with her green eye blazing and her tortoiseshell coat, she reminded me so much of the Afghan Girl.
https:/ /en.m.w ikipedi iki/Afg han_Gir l
My cat hid just as I was going to press the button.
I wanted to take a pic of my cat as she sat in the sunshine with her green eye blazing and her tortoiseshell coat, she reminded me so much of the Afghan Girl.
My cat hid just as I was going to press the button.
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https:/ /tinyur 4afbhsg
I've been trying to word out who my cats remind me of. Chequers could pass for suspicious official at UK Passport Control, I think:
https:/ /tinyur y2kljy5
. . . and Moonbeam could pass easily for a hard-hearted official sanctioning your benefits at the DSS:
https:/ /tinyur yazn8gp
I've been trying to word out who my cats remind me of. Chequers could pass for suspicious official at UK Passport Control, I think:
. . . and Moonbeam could pass easily for a hard-hearted official sanctioning your benefits at the DSS:
Chequers is definitely the most bonkers out of my foursome, Ummmm, but he's certainly not 'boring'! (He's a big cat and, at 7kg, he can't understand why I don't appreciate him trying to sleep on my chest while I'm in bed - it makes it hard to breathe!)
There are more pics of my lot among my web albums here:
https:/ /ukcatl over.ra jce.idn
There are more pics of my lot among my web albums here:
This is a picture of both of mine (I hope it works)
https:/ /tinyur x8lwsgs
They deserve to be bigger, Susan:
http:// www.upl .co/upl oads/Me rlinFra nkie157 1433621 .jpg
Your cat, Toorak, looks like a counsellor or psychiatrist who is listening patiently to everything you say but only responding with "Yes", "Go on", "I see", etc, leaving you totally baffled as to
(a) whether they've actually understood you ; and
(b) whether they actually care ;-)
http:// www.upl .co/upl oads/To orakCat 1571435 073.jpg
(a) whether they've actually understood you ; and
(b) whether they actually care ;-)
//My cat hid just as I was going to press the button.//
Such is the nature of cats!
It took half an hour to get this picture of sisters Porridge & Haggis. The glue was digitally inserted afterwards. ;)
https:/ /www.dr opbox.c om/s/4k 0utd044 7b4v82/ porridg e%20hag gis.jpg ?dl=0
Such is the nature of cats!
It took half an hour to get this picture of sisters Porridge & Haggis. The glue was digitally inserted afterwards. ;)
Don't have one. But could possibly find houseroom for this one https:/ /imgix. ranker. com/use r_node_ img/67/ 1333700 /origin al/juli e-newma r-photo -u30?w= 375& ;q=60&a mp;fm=p jpg& ;dpr=2