What happened tonight on Corrie? Chunks of the show were wasted on a stupid confrontation between Brian and Mary about the name of a flower, absolute drivel. Brian is a hard to like character at the best of times, no-one could be that stupid. Then the same old conversation with Daniel and Nicki. Then a stupid interlude with Toyah and Sean trying to entertain a new client. Toyah is normally a smart girl, no way would she have carried on in this manner. Finally more of the Where is Todd plot, which has lasted for weeks with no resolution.
I hated tonights episode. Total waste of time. I am beginning to hate Nicki, that scene with Toyah in the factory, what stupidness.
I hope Friday's episode is better or else I will be switching off!
It's obvious the script writers have had to do a lot of very hasty re-writing because none of the children or older actors are allowed on set and the social distancing rules have to be applied.
If one of the actors scheduled for filming shows any signs of having the virus he or she will be sent home. As they have used all their episode reserves scenes would have to be re-written on the fly to try and keep to the long term schedule, and to have an episode to broadcast. Must be very difficult for everyone.
I recorded both episodes and when watching them back, I just kept fast forwarding. Very, very boring last night, but it's only to be expected with the rules and regulations around covid that the writers are having to deal with. I'm worried it might all come to an end again soon with all the new covid rules coming in. I also think when the characters are shouting upstairs to the missing kids, they could have recorded the children answering back to make it more realistic!
awful episode ,the flowers story just unbelievably stupid , mary looked embarrassed to be even saying those lines and what's more it was quite obvious they were plastic flowers
I love Mary but to have her talking to flowers like that was mind numbing and what was Toyah doing in the factory ? Is she working there now? Furthermore what kind of workplace allows any atom,Dick or Harry to wander in off the streets to say " I've just came to see ??"
On a positive note, I saw Maureen Lipman on something earlier in the week saying she's back filming again
I agree with everything that's been said. I think it was one of the most boring episodes I've seen from Corrie. Definitely agree that half an hour three times a week would be better.