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Here Kitty Kitty, . . .

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Buenchico | 01:05 Thu 15th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers


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She meant business, I think !!
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nice all right, run for your life, she certainly gave him a scare
One big pussycat!
Don’t mess with mama.
and young men usually speak so highly of cougars.
Running is what prey does. Backing off probably saved him. That, and the fact she was just a stone's throw away.
He may be taking a different route next time ☺

Thinking logically the Cougar would not risk attacking the guy as if she got hurt the babies may perish.
However, I would have been tempted to run.

Kitties are taking over the world, Prime Minister Larry has probably sent the Cougar a Cat-mail to check that she is okay.
Why didn't he just shoot it - or is he the one American who doesn't carry a gun :-D
I'm looking for a moggie...not that one though.
what a fuss, now it had been a grizzly . . .

The worse thing he could have done was turn his back on her and run, she would have been right after him. He wouldn't want to shoot her as he knew she had cubs. He did the only thing he could and that was to throw a large stone in her direction but not so it would hit her.
Being honest if i'd come across her... then I'd definately need a clean pair of boxers.

If it was a magpie it would still be stalking and attacking ;-/

Have you seen this...eeekkk!

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Thanks for all the posts.

I love all cats but I have to admit that she would have had me VERY scared!

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Here Kitty Kitty, . . .

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