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Confuse About This Word

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fatema | 04:40 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
I have two friends and both from USA I met with them on Penpal, they both don't know each other even i never told their name to each other. One of my friend name is David and other one is Samuel. Recently I bought two kittens and i asked to my friend david suggest me good name for them and he said you can call them little david and little Samuel. I said him that, do you know my other US friend name is Samuel and david replied yes I know, I asked how do you know i never told you and he said "I'm physic" that's i know everything. I'm bit confuse that what does "I'm physic" meaning I tried to ask him but he said you may google for the answer but unfortunately i couldn't find any relevant answer. Can someone help me here thanks.


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It means you can predict or know what is going to happen before it happens.
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That is because the word is psychic and not physic.

Please see Ozzy's link
I bet you misheard. He probably said that Samual was his sidekick. I bet they don costumes and go out at night fighting crime with their superpowers.

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