Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Tropical Fish
3 Answers
Hi Can anyone suggest suitable fish to live alongside platties and catfish. Thanks. Steve
If the shop where you get your fish is good then they would advise you when buying fish.
20:37 Sat 28th Nov 2020
I assume that, when referring to 'catfish', you mean corydoras. If so, see this chart (where they're called 'cory cats'):
https:/ /animal -world. com/enc yclo/fr esh/inf ormatio n/image s/Petco Compati bilityC hart_73 1x3458. jpg
and/or this one:
https:/ / lpondso lutions media/w ysiwyg/ Livesto ck_Comp atabilt iy_Char t.jpg
and/or this one: