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Liz ‘S Quizzes Macmillan Cancer Support. 10/07/21

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crumbs6 | 21:42 Sun 16th May 2021 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
Rhyming answers
11. HD147152, HD 139129 e.g. (5, 2, 5)

Any help will be appreciated


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Where does the rhyme come in these questions? Are the two 5-letter words meant to rhyme or is there another clue that the (5,2,5) answer has to rhyme with? (If so, what is it that we're missing, please?)

HD 147152 and HD 139129 are both stars (which obviously suggests that one of the 5-letter words might well be 'stars') but, beyond that, I'm lost! Sorry!
PS: You've posted in 'Animals & Nature', which doesn't get that many visitors from our quiz experts, so your question could easily go unnoticed by them.

Try re-posting in 'Quizzes & Puzzles' for more responses.
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Thank you Buenchico, I will repost in the correct category.

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Liz ‘S Quizzes Macmillan Cancer Support. 10/07/21

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