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Dogs Leg Problems

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maggie01 | 20:05 Thu 20th May 2021 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
My dog is due an mri for balance on her back legs but today she seems to have what I would describe as a flat foot on her front legs.. Just wondering if anyone has. Experienced this.


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Sorry maggie, no. How is she, has she had the mri yet ?
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Her foot seems to be OK today. She has always had splayed out feet. Her mri is the 10th June so try to keep calm till then
Why the long wait Maggie?
I hope all goes well x
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Ladybirder. I expect they look at the history sent by my own vet and access how urgent it is. Plus their is only two specialist practices covering Hampshire
Thank you for the explanation maggie. That's a shame she has to wait so long bless her. It must be so stressful for you. Please let us know how she gets on. xx

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Dogs Leg Problems

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