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dominant species

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Footbath | 20:26 Thu 08th Dec 2005 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
If Humans had never existed what would the most dominant species be


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great question. would it be the smartest or the strongest animal?

I think lions would've done quite well for themselves if humans hadn't learnt to make weapons and kill them.

maybe we should ask what the dominant species was before humans........

The simple answer is that there was no dominant species as such, each part of the world probably had a local dominant but it is only humans who spread everywhere and killed off and took over from the local boss animals and became the global head guys.

Another primate, just like "planet of the Apes" experts at shifting piano's down the stairs, until the instant mash martians invade !

Depends on what you mean by dominant.

Currently (according to wikipedia) in terms of biomass ( mass of all living organisms ) Antarctic Krill are the top with over 500 million tonnes - twice that of Humans

Council officials!

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dominant species

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