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Any Names For A Girl Puppy Please?

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pixie374 | 16:38 Sat 04th Sep 2021 | Animals & Nature
90 Answers
Hiya, I decided against breeding from one of mine- at least for the moment. But have a chocolate female cocker arriving in the next day or so. She is 4 months and was kept from a litter for a fil, who ended up needing surgery and staying in hospital. They decided it wasn't the right time for a puppy.... and have messaged me, out of nowhere, to see, if I can take her.
I've said....yes. her official KC registered name is Cocoa Bean, but she needs a pet name. Any ideas? Mine are Sammy, Daisy, Charlie and Rosie..... so something that fits :-)


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Good choice. Does that mean I get BA? :-)
02:07 Mon 06th Sep 2021
Lily would be a nice name for her. Another flower name x
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Thank you so much xx I have read these all out to my sister and niece- and they have both immediately gone for Connie, with Coco as a nickname...
All mine seem to respond to 2 or 3 names... my 3 year old cocker thinks his names are Charlie and Hoolie, :-) and responds to both lol.
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Tbh, I had a bit of a scare today, when she sent me a message to say not to worry, and someone was turning up, offering money to buy her.
And even though I wasn't actively looking for another dog, I was quite gutted. But, they didn't turn up, so...:-)
Good choice.

Does that mean I get BA?

Pixie, coco is my favourite :-)
Lettice - friends dog is called that.
Tuvok, must be a Jack Russell then - Let us pray ;)
PEPSI,because she's full of life.
choux - I don't get it!
Nope - they chose Lettice as it was an old name
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Why not, lcg :-). Thank you so much everyone. She has arrived, children, nephews, nieces have voted for Connie, but Coco no doubt as well.
So pleased, she is just gorgeous. We took her to back garden, and let the others out one at a time. Totally unnecessary- they all greeted her, and then carried on as normal (what I was hoping for- I expect them to take some time to get to know each other).
She has bounded happily around the house and garden and now asleep on my lap. All the other dogs have seen her, accepted it and sat around us. Much smoother than I dared to hope for!
I'm feeling puppy envy. She'll have a wonderful life with you and all your other dogs.
Good news.
Glad all is going well for her and you. :-)
Gotta be coco.
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Thank you everyone, for further responses, kind of you pasta x apologies, being busy :-). She is an angel actually. So far, toilet trained and just staying as close to my feet as possible. However, my son said she howled when I was at work the other night for a couple of hours, so he came down to comfort her. She will have to get used to being left with the others for possibly 2/3 hours at a time, as I have to work. But, she is in a new place, so we will go gently.
We actually tried Connie, but I kept calling her Nikki by mistake. My family vetoed that lol,so she is now Ellie, with Coco as her nickname xx
Oh, I'm thrilled that she is now an Ellie! Delighted that all is going so well x
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Thank you, Ellie:-)))) xx
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I'll give you a BA elsewhere :-)

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