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flies blind in winter

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clarelouise | 23:32 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
are flies blind in the winter?


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Why would they be blind in the winter? I wouldn't think so, if they can see in the summer they wouldn't go blind in the winter and then suddenly see again in the springtime.
Flies do not usually occur in the winter in the wild in countries with cold climates, but may be triggered to emerge prematurely indoors due to artificial heating. These flies that have not developed naturally are often docile and are easy to swat and may well have poorly developed eyes..
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hi there,

I ask this question as I was at my parents house last week with my son.

A fly flew in from outside into the kitchen.

It landed on a kitchen door.

My dad went near it and it didn't move.

I thought this strange as usually you go near them and they fly off.

I made this coment to my father and he said that flies are blind in the winter didn't you know?

I said I had never heard of it.

He said watch this.

Now normally as you know as soon as you go to swat a fly you can never catch it.It flies straight off.

He put his finger so close to it and nearly touvhed it and it never even moved.

So there has got to be some truth in it.

I told my husband and he said he'd never heard of it and to ask for sure on answerbank if they are blind.

So there you have it that is why I am asking.


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flies blind in winter

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