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Dog Moans Louldly When I Leave Home.

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Bionicle5 | 04:50 Fri 04th Nov 2022 | Animals & Nature
49 Answers
I use to work only on the weekends but recent life changes have convinced me to start doing it during the weekdays. I'll be gone 9 hours 4 days a week. Problem is right after I leave my 10 year old Basset Hound starts moaning doing it for hours on end. I don't really have anyone to hold on to the dog when I work. Anything I can do to ease her so she won't stress out?


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you don't deserve to have a dog - end of!
not sure i agree with that dave...
am I bovvered?
Awe shucks Dave, you learnt that catch phrase from TTT.
obviously not....
Dogs are not children, and you don’t have to be with them full time. Many people work and have a dog.
and one wonders how dogs cope being left alone so long.
Gromit, true, dogs aren't children but owners need to care for them responsibly. The dog is stressed and that's not good.
Daft as it sounds, try leaving a radio on for your dog and see if that placates her while you're away from home. Mine used to yap for quite some time when i left for work but since i began leaving a radio on as background noise, my neighbours have reported a very welcome silence. I also leave an old cardigan of mine which he will cuddle up beside when i'm out. Mind you, if i'm out all day, my daughter comes to walk him around dinner time.
Not guaranteed to work, of course, but worth a try.
Just to put it into context, 9 hours means leaving the house at say 8am and being home by 5pm. It’s quite a long day but not that unusual folks.

I suggest a good walk before you leave, some treats inside a toy that take some time to find and the radio on.

If you can ease the dog into this lifestyle by leaving it for less time and building up, all well and good.

// I also leave an old cardigan of mine which he will cuddle up beside when i'm out. //

That's what we do - leave something of ours that they can cuddle up to - and we leave the television on quietly. But then, I do have two dogs, so they're company for each other anyway.
Toys too - a variety for them to play with and chew on.
When I had a dog years ago he didn't need any of this toys and radio stuff.

He made his own entertainment chewing furniture and carpets.
This is a job for Graeme Hall (Dogs behaving badly ch 5). His methods have proved time and time again to be very effective.

He's cut out of the same cloth as the late Barbara Woodhouse, but possesses a kindly personality.

Whether he can be contacted via Twitter or email, you'll have to dyor. Best of luck!
Don't think Graeme does America Zebu:-(
Thanks for that ladyb. I had no idea OP lived over the pond.
However we should not rule out, with today's technology, it might just be possible for OP to touch base with the remarkable Mr Hall?
they have Cesar Millan in the USA
Graeme isn't taking bookings but there is a number to call - 0333 006 4055. The dog is obviously suffering from separation anxiety/loneliness/boredom.
Friends of ours had similar problem where the dog would howl nonstop until they came back. They ended up doing what others have said and took him for long walk before they left then put the radio on while they were out and no more howling. May not work but worth a try.
who has time for a "long" walk before going to work (probably) early in the morning?

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