i know badgers are lovely to look at but the blighters have ruined my two lawns dug holes all over them and we aren't allowed to bother them, rant over x
I had the same and had to go to great expense to erect new fences on concrete foundations. As long as they haven't got a sett in your garden you can do it legally so the sooner the better.
I have seen the huge amount of damage they can cause not only to your garden but to the foundations of your house, also any waste pipes, drains and so on that you have on your property.
We had a badger problem a while back and asked the local authority what we could do to deter them. Best thing they said was to deprive them of their food source. What was that I said? Earthworms they replied.
My son had to sink metal rods about 2 metres all around the perimeter of his property to deal with his badger problem. Not cheap.
I used citronella spray which deterred mine. Nafoff from Amazon (can't do links)
Google keeping badgers out of garden and you will see that male urine also works. If there is a male in your family get him to mark his boundaries! Only male as it is a territorial thing.