ChatterBank1 min ago
Will Any Animal Lovers On Here Please Sign This Petition?
53 Answers
It's to stop Katie Price owning any more animals and here's why.
// 2 dogs have been ran over. Puppies were found dead drowning in a neglected swimming pool. A horse was run over on a motorway. Animals just go missing in her home never to been seen again. Her guard dog broke into her neighbours garden and killed their chickens. A dog trained to attack people also ripped her cat apart. \\
https:/ / ange.or g/p/rsp ca-ban- katie-p rice-fr om-buyi ng-anym ore-ani mals
// 2 dogs have been ran over. Puppies were found dead drowning in a neglected swimming pool. A horse was run over on a motorway. Animals just go missing in her home never to been seen again. Her guard dog broke into her neighbours garden and killed their chickens. A dog trained to attack people also ripped her cat apart. \\
Signed...the woman is a menace to everything she comes in contact with. The rspca is no better if they do nothing.
10:36 Thu 31st Aug 2023
Like I said Naomi24 I don't waste my time on these organisations or anyone else for that matter that I may pay on a monthly/ yearly basis.
If they choose to do wrong, and that includes anyone I have an agreement with, household or other, I withdraw payment, I've lost count of the times that court action has been threatened, it never happened because the reward for winning is very poor on their part, mainly due to the smallish funds involved.
Getting back to KP, she thrives on this sort of speculation? and a lot of the time is how she has made her money.
The RSPCA will not act on hearsay, only solid evidence, and even the latter they will um and arr. Why? KP is the sort who will fight such action, hence the lawyers for the RSPCA will take longer to prove the case, costing an arm and a leg.
In my view petitions have very little affect if any, other than a front page story that's not been proved either way, in saying that it really wouldn't shock me that the hearsay is true, proving it is the problem.
I've seen cases of people abusing dogs on camera, no action from RSPCA?
And just to add, I stopped giving to the RNLI some time back due to them landing criminals on our beaches, I don't want my money used in that way. The old saying money talks, it's always done so, and always will. Just my personal choice of how to deal with such, its the only voice one has left sometimes, how others deal with it is their choice.
If they choose to do wrong, and that includes anyone I have an agreement with, household or other, I withdraw payment, I've lost count of the times that court action has been threatened, it never happened because the reward for winning is very poor on their part, mainly due to the smallish funds involved.
Getting back to KP, she thrives on this sort of speculation? and a lot of the time is how she has made her money.
The RSPCA will not act on hearsay, only solid evidence, and even the latter they will um and arr. Why? KP is the sort who will fight such action, hence the lawyers for the RSPCA will take longer to prove the case, costing an arm and a leg.
In my view petitions have very little affect if any, other than a front page story that's not been proved either way, in saying that it really wouldn't shock me that the hearsay is true, proving it is the problem.
I've seen cases of people abusing dogs on camera, no action from RSPCA?
And just to add, I stopped giving to the RNLI some time back due to them landing criminals on our beaches, I don't want my money used in that way. The old saying money talks, it's always done so, and always will. Just my personal choice of how to deal with such, its the only voice one has left sometimes, how others deal with it is their choice.
what is to stop someone from making up these accusations? Who is it even urging people to sign and not providing proof? It's a REALLY shabby way to go about things IMO. How does ANYONEknow these things are even true?
I could start a petition that says "take ladybirder's dog away from her" and say all sorts of unkind or untrue things. If the person has no proof, why do it? If they do have proof take it to the RSPCA!
I could start a petition that says "take ladybirder's dog away from her" and say all sorts of unkind or untrue things. If the person has no proof, why do it? If they do have proof take it to the RSPCA!
Naomi. The pin strips of such an organisation are already aware of what they are doing, and also aware of a certain number who have withdrawn their support, their only interest is the monthly balance sheet / deposits. One door closes , another one opens, this is how they operate. Regarding the likes of me letting them know that I shall not any longer be supporting them is like water off a ducks back, it will be a case of them shrugging their shoulders, that's why I can't be bothered. I am no more than a pin head of their operation,
and not under any illusion that my support will be missed, it would take thousands of people to take the same action like me to make any difference at all. The whole operation now in my view is just a business, a business out to make a big profit, year on year. And yes they do need to employ a certain amount of staff to be able to operate in a reasonable way, and to cover expenses, especially vet bills, however its now a gold mine for the few, very much like the high salaries paid to the none medical staff of the NHS. I can honestly say I've not seen one RSPCA van on the road for at least 25 years.
Getting back to KP, if it is true, and the RSPCA don't or refuse to investigate then more people should withdraw their support. It is pretty well known that KP is arrogant, aggressive and erratic, erratic people are normally the ones who make poor decisions on buying pets without thinking it through, on the face of it, its looking like she made a few, but who knows. KP acts first and thinks later.
and not under any illusion that my support will be missed, it would take thousands of people to take the same action like me to make any difference at all. The whole operation now in my view is just a business, a business out to make a big profit, year on year. And yes they do need to employ a certain amount of staff to be able to operate in a reasonable way, and to cover expenses, especially vet bills, however its now a gold mine for the few, very much like the high salaries paid to the none medical staff of the NHS. I can honestly say I've not seen one RSPCA van on the road for at least 25 years.
Getting back to KP, if it is true, and the RSPCA don't or refuse to investigate then more people should withdraw their support. It is pretty well known that KP is arrogant, aggressive and erratic, erratic people are normally the ones who make poor decisions on buying pets without thinking it through, on the face of it, its looking like she made a few, but who knows. KP acts first and thinks later.
//I've not seen one RSPCA van on the road for at least 25 years.//
I think they use plain white vans, with a magnetic blue RSPCA logo when on call.
I googled it to check and found this:
https:/ /books. google. ooks?id =HC8OWp gTRqEC& amp;pg= PT197&a mp;lpg= PT197&a mp;dq=d o+RSPCA +vans+u se+magn etic+si gns+on+ their+v ans& ;source =bl& ;ots=wT ON_ZR0R W&s ig=ACfU 3U3xD44 ZmZdnSS P4SOTTx 37cCi-P qQ& hl=en&a mp;sa=X &ve d=2ahUK Ewj2ief CyYeBAx XBVMAKH RI-Crk4 ChDoAXo ECAIQAw #v=onep age& ;q=do%2 0RSPCA% 20vans% 20use%2 0magnet ic%20si gns%20o n%20the ir%20va ns& f=false
I think they use plain white vans, with a magnetic blue RSPCA logo when on call.
I googled it to check and found this: