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Owners Who Do Not Microchip Cats Face £500 Fines

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naomi24 | 12:12 Sun 09th Jun 2024 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers

//All cats in England must be microchipped and registered on a database from Monday under new laws.

The new legislation applies to all cats aged 20 weeks and older, including indoor cats.

The RSPCA said that one in 10 cats going into their centres were still not microchipped, despite the incoming law change.

Pet owners found breaking the rules face a £500 fine if they do not comply within 21 days.//


This is the first I've heard of this new law.  Good idea or not?



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Many animal welfare organizations, like the RSPCA, support microchipping as it can significantly improve the chances of lost pets being returned home and enhance the management of stray animals. If implemented well, it could be a positive step for pet safety and welfare.

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Owners Who Do Not Microchip Cats Face £500 Fines

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