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Normal Folk Are Just Having The Michael Taken Out Of Them.

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Old_Geezer | 12:16 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

As if you didn't already know.


Anyone keen to justify any of this ?



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Good afternoon,

Linekar sells a product, himself, and the BBC are willing to pay for it.  There are many more fans than there are moaners.

Why do they have to justify someones salary?


//Why do they have to justify someones salary?//

Because the public is footing the bill?

Question Author

Since it comes from the taxpayer they have more reason to have to justify than most. But even elsewhere there are the subjects of equity, morality, ethics, etc. to consider if one isn't going to be seen as a dishonourable institution unfit for anyone's respect.

Good afternoon again,

The public foot the bill for all public servants - are those published anywhere?


If the BBC's idea of paying out these absurd sallaries is to increase their viewing figures, here's one on whom is doing the opposite.

During Euro 24 if I had a choice between BBC & ITV I would watch ITV (or German TV) because I can't stand the sight of Gary Lineker; he comes over to me as a smarmy creep.



What's your question?

Couldnt care less.  I dont pay.

But one of the reasons I gave up the licence is becasue I didnt want to fund this person even a fraction of a penny.

Good afternoon Noami,



What's your question?

I was wondering what OldGeezer was on about.

The BBC do not have to pay his fee as they do not have to hire him, they have hired him therefore they pay his fee.


As with the case of Mr Linekar, there will be those civil servants that are paid a lot more than their colleagues.

Yes there will be and if you think they are not worth their pay then raise a thread to discuss.

DDIL, I've no idea where you're going with this.  Off track seems most likely.


I am responding to points that you have raised, so if anyone was taking this thread off track then it is yourself.

But, as I am obviously not welcome to respond to threads I will go back to just reading.

Thank you for your input.

DDIL, You've lost me.   Bye then.

Question Author

To vastly overpay someone compared to those actually being useful, is surely an immoral act as it discriminates in favour of their "favourite" and consequently against everyone else who don't get overpaid in society.

I like Gary Vinagar and chips (even though he hates United)
that aside I also like Zoe Ball but that did take me aback Blimey!

Loved her Fathers' show... Johnny Ball reveals all.

“Why do they have to justify someones salary?”

Because those salaries are being paid from a fund which, to say the least, is about as iniquitous as it gets.

Imagine this: you only want to read the “Daily Mirror” and the “Pigeon Breeders’ Weekly”. However, the government has decided that the Guardian will be provided with funds to meet its full operating costs and people will no longer need to pay for it. To raise the funds for this, the government will launch a “newspaper permit”. Anybody wishing to read any newspaper will have to pay for one (with the threat of a criminal prosecution if they read a paper without one). The funds from the permit will all go to The Guardian.

The Guardian thinks this is great and immediately doubles the pay of all its executives and pledges to increase them by inflation + 10% from now on, but doesn’t tell anybody.

Would you be happy with this, or would you like to see more details of the Guardian’s outgoings?

The analogy with Civil Servants is specious. Civil Servants’ pay is met from general taxation which, as imperfect as it is, has some modicum of fairness built into it. BBC employees’ and contractors; pay comes from a compulsory levy to watch any television broadcast.

Huw Edwards has actually got an increase even tough he's been taken off air !

I am a pensioner and still pay income tax, this is acceptable as it in propertion to my pensions. However the BBC licence is a fixed fee which I have to pay even though I don't watch or listen to the BBC anymore. This is akin to paying a road fund licence and not owning a car.

BBC going to have a clear out .......

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