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Oh God I'm Steaming...

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nailedit | 14:32 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
40 Answers

The sooner that Im back here the better


Whatever possessed me to take a drink after 5 month sober I will never know.

What a bell end...

I dont want sympathy. Or condemnation (I give myself enough of that)

Just want to get well again.



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Good luck with the restart.

Question Author

Thanks OG.

Not looking forward to the first couple of days but got be done again unfortunatly.

3 month waiting list anyway. Bit better than last time..6 month waiting list then...

Good luck. Rooting for you

Question Author

Thanks cal.

Just a waiting game again.

And yet if I had £2600 I could be in there tomorrow.

I really admire you Nailedit for your resilience and good humour.  You have done so well and without doubt you will do so again.  Huge good wishes and good luck to you.  X


We're all behind you, wishing you well and pushing you on, as you know.  Hang on in there! 

So you are going back in? Think of the last attempt as a beta test, this is the real run. Make it stick this time.

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Thats exactly how Im thinking of it.

We might have run ins on other posts but apprecieated your support before 😁

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Thank you Rosie & Jourdain, appriciate it 😀

13:41, I am able to separate different threads. I was pleased for you before and I was sad when you fell off the wagon, don't let me down this time. 😉

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Weve all got our own sh2t going on.

If we didnt laugh we would cry....

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//13:41, I am able to separate different threads. I was pleased for you before and I was sad when you fell off the wagon, don't let me down this time. 😉//


Really appriciate that 😁

But it was really my grandaughter that I let down...

Im 58, grandaughter is nearly 3. Dont know how much time I have left anyway but dont want my only grandchild remembering me as a drunk.

Nailedit: "Dont know how much time I have left anyway but dont want my only grandchild remembering me as a drunk." - there is no better reason to crack it than that.

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3T 👍

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But last time i was ther in november,

the first2 days were like hell on earth.

After that it was a piece of cake...just need to fet throughg the first 2 days...

Oh god, I cant do this again after this time.

I totally 1oo% get that people without addictions donr get it. how could you? I dont get why anorexixs starve themselvs to death but i CAN understand that they have a problem.


I am happy you can share your troubles with us online.  You know that you have a problem and admit to us that you have a problem.

Is that not the first step in any recovery?

Best wishes for the future, I hope you can live long and healthily and be the proud grandad at your granddaughter's wedding.

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*get through the first few days*

Keeping everything crossed for you, I know you can do it again :)

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//Keeping everything crossed for you, I know you can do it again//

Absolutely will.


just getting fed up at the moment with everyone suggesting AA.

I dont do religeous cults anymore! Any long timers on here will know what im on about,


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//just getting fed up at the moment with everyone suggesting AA.//

Didnt mean on this thread...

meant in real life...

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