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Anyone Listening To Louis Armstrong In Concert?

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ladybirder | 22:28 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Music
12 Answers

BBCFour.  Fab.  Just right for this time of night.



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Yep.Was lucky to be scanning the TV guide just as it was about to start.
22:29 Fri 26th Jul 2024


Was lucky to be scanning the TV guide just as it was about to start.

I am, very good & funny!

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Good, glad I'm not the only one enjoying it.  Anyone know when this was made?  He died over 50 years ago.

My pure guess, may be 1968 since the BBC released some footage this month of his 68 tour, and I'm assuming that was it.

Thinking about it, he looks too young there though. I'll have to look further.

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Sounds about right OG.  We've got another hour of it.  Might as well pour another drink.

//Humphrey Lyttelton introduces the legendary jazz trumpeter and singer as he performs alongside the All-Stars during their British visit of 1968. Songs include Blueberry Hill, Mack the Knife, Wonderful World, Hello Dolly and Bare Necessities\\


Cleo Laine takes over at 1 am.

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I don't think I can last until that time OG.  You?

No. I'm already tired, may hang on until 12.

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I wonder if Sharon is still watching.

They're finishing with a great song.  Can't stop clicking my fingers to it.

Night night,  sleep tight.

Ta. zzZ zzZ zzZ

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Anyone Listening To Louis Armstrong In Concert?

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