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Bbc Quiz : Week 31

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Buenchico | 20:02 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Hello again!


I achieved ‘pass marks’ (but only just!) in both quizzes this week.


That’s THREE out of seven in the grown-ups’ quiz:


. . . and TWO out five in the junior one:


You can do better than that though, can’t you?


Your turn, anyway!



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First on parade this week, Chris. 5/7 and 4/5 - wish i was as good with the nags.

Question Author

Well done, Ken!

I reckon that your scores will be hard to beat this week!

There was a horse called 'Guesswork' running in Ireland around the turn of the century.  Perhaps you should watch out for a similarly-named horse to place your money on now? 😊

I'll be looking for a horse whose name is linked to charity, Chris as the one that i got wrong was the RSPCA question.

Question Author

I got that one wrong too, Ken!

4/7,4/5.lots of guesses as didn't really have wi-fi in a tent in North Macedonia....Puss Puss and Bailey have forgiven me with the assistance of cheese.Binge watching the Olympics at the moment.Hope all is good with you and yours

4/7. And 2/5

Mostly guesses but they all count when they're right.

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores are 

4/7, 3/5

Went to visit with my friend that has the 2 kitties recently and was impressed that all she had to do was shake a bag of dreamies to summon both of them  from goodness knows where and come racing through the door for their treats! 

I hope Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo are all thriving and being suitably spoilt also. Wishing you and them a wonderful week ahead :-)

Oh dear..... well, I scraped 4/7 on the adults (not watching Olympic opening ceremony didn't help) and was despairing in the kids until I actually knew 1 and then had a lucky guess at the last, so 2/5.  AGgregate of 6.

I am not giving any secrets away when I say that I shall be glad to wave 'bye-bye' to younger daughter's 2 pooches on Tuesday (been boarding whilst she has taken the kids caravanning in Brittany).  Perhaps life will reclaim some calm. 

To give you the idea - we have a small, ferocious, affectionate, black, mongrel,  French, rescue terrier aged 15 and a half - who regards other males as Darth Vader.  Daughter has elderly Sprocker bitch (no real problem - but thieves food and anything that may be vaguely edible - we've housed her before). Unfortunately her new dog is a dog, 6 mths. old Cocker spaniel.  Said to be house trained - but it must be to her house................ anyway ......roll on Tuesday.

Now, where was I? Sorry for digression but for reasons above given I'm glad I got anything right!!!😐

Question Author

Hi, Campbellking!

I thought that they've got wifi just about everywhere nowadays!

Well done on some good scores, anyway!

In my house, it's Tablo who goes carazy for cheese.  She even likes a nice, ripe piece of Stilton!

I hope that your break is going well!


Hi, Sandy!

Better than me, anyway!


Good evening, Karamia!

Well done on your 'bang in the middle' scores this week!

Dreamies can be the answer to almost everything where cats are concerned.  A few years ago, I was standin outside my house at 5am, waiting for a taxi to the station from where I was off to Paris for the day via Eurostar.  It was a birthday treat to myself, which I'd looked forward to for ages.  However I heard Tablo pitifully crying from the roof of my house, telling me that she couldn't get down.  I obviously couldn't leave her up there to when I'd be getting home (at around midnight) but I didn't want to cancel my trip to Paris either.  Fortunately, I remembered the bag of Dreamies I'd got indoors.  All it took was a quick shake of the bag, with some Dreamies then tossed onto the pavement, for Tablo to 'miraculously' discover a way down from the roof!

Yes, they're all still thriving and definitely getting spoilt, thank you!

I hope that you'll have a lovely week!

5/7 & 4/5 - once again a few lucky guesses helped.

Question Author

Hi, Jourdain2!

You did better than me, anyway!

I do love dogs but give me cats anytime, please!  Life is so much easier with cats than with dogs!

Question Author

Joint top, Lie-in King!

Well done!

(Perhaps you could give Ken some racing tips?)


5 and 4

Question Author

Good scores from you, as usual, Scorpiojo!

Joint top!

Evening Chris.






A few lucky guesses in there.


Hope this finds you well ; ))

Question Author

Hi, Sam!

I think I'm well, thank you! (I'll have to wait until I get the result of this afternoon's blood test though, to be certain!).

I hope that you're 100% fit!

Your aggregate score is better than mine, anyway!

2/7 and 4/5.

Question Author

Better than me, Clover!

3/7 v 3/7

2/5 v 0/5 .... going for gold here...

Hope Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo are looking after you and that your blood test result is boringly normal.

Had 3 dry days this week, so my lawn is almost decent.




Question Author

Thank you, Haras2!

I'm feeling much better now that I'm no longer in last place 😊

Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo are, indeed, looking after me (because they know where their food is coming from!).  On Wednesday evening, Tablo followed me for the 5-minute walk to the Community Centre bar and then patiently waited outside for an hour and a half, so that she could escort me home.  (Moonbeam then joined in part way along the walk home, with Chequers greeting me as we neared our house.  They're all incredibly loyal!).

I hope that you'll have a ood week and that the weather will be favourable to your garden!

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