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barry1010 | 09:19 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers

There has always been buzzards nearby but for the last three days I have had one sitting on my chimney crying out on and off from dawn until dusk.  

Could this be a recent fledgling left to his own devices, calling for his parents? 



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We have the same experience most years around this time, usually the parents are  around and after a couple of days, it stops and I assume the young one has got the hang of hunting.Hope yours is OK.....

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I'm sure he is, he has lots of energy to shriek.  It echoes all round the living room 

They tend to sit and call because the parents who are feeding them have such a wide hunting area that they need to know where the young one is

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I'm used to them calling, but not perching on my roof all day.  I tried to take photos but I'm rubbish 

Barry, could you put some water out in your garden for it if there aren't puddles everywhere.  Worth a try.

I've got wood pigeons in my garden fighting to lie in the water bowls to have a bath and cool off, splash it around, have a drink then poo in it.  And sometimes have a poo and then drink it!

Sorry B for ^.  Nothing to do with Buzzards.  

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No shortage of water for the wildlife here, ladyb 🙂

Whereabouts are you Barry I can't remember?

Is the fledgling still there?

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It's been here on and off today, hard to tell if it is a fledgling really but it's the only explanation I can come up with.  He's flying okay but just spends long periods perching on my chimney and calling.  

Sounds about right Barry according to the following. You might have a bit longer to wait;-)

//New hatchlings are fed in the nest by their parents for about 40 to 50 days, before they weigh enough to start attempting to fly. Young buzzards remain close to their nest for as many as 10 weeks, being supplied with food by their parents, before finally finding independence.\\


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At least he's keeping the blerdy wood pigeons and collared doves off my chimney.  Their coo-cooing gets a bit much 😀

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