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Is It Illegal To Blackmail A Criminal?

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StupidGuy | 01:40 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Law
14 Answers

I was just wondering if it is illegal to blackmail a criminal?


My thought was that if I found a predator, and pretended to be a victim for them, collect evidence to get them imprisoned, and demanded money to not have evidence be released. Would that be legal? I know that blackmail itself is illegal, but I wonder if it would be if it were for a good cause.


Thanks in advance!



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What do you really think?

-- answer removed --

Sounds like it should be

If you were successful,

Would you  then change your name from 'StupidGuy' to 'GoodCause'.

Yes.  You could potentially also be charged with withholding evidence and perverting the course of justice. 

It's illegal to blackmail anyone. 


I'm sure blackmailing a criminal could be classed as benefiting from their original crime too? 

Lol @ netherfield, spot on.

Any crime is still a crime even if the victim is a criminal, even if they are in the act of committing a crime.

Question Author

Fair enough. I wanted to ask more silly questions that come to mind, and this was the first thing!

Isn't this just ike asking is it illegal to murder a murderer?

....or steal off a tea leaf?

Or even nick knickers off a knicker nicker.

LOL you lot!  xxx

Or even nick knickers off a knicker nicker.

dont knock knickers knickers!

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Is It Illegal To Blackmail A Criminal?

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