Renewing Driving Licence in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Renewing Driving Licence

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brainiac | 11:22 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Motoring
16 Answers

I've just completed the online application to renew my driving licence.  They ask that you cut the old one in two and return it to them.  Should I do this straight away or wait till the new licence arrives?


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According to the GOV.UK page return it when the new one arrives.


Pointless exercise. You cut it up, post it (stamp), it gets delivered, they chuck it in the bin!🙄

Now or later makes no diff.

totally pointless, just say you lost it. I keep my old ones to prove my entitlement if they have another co up like this:



They have had major data loss in the past and people have had to re do their tests etc and pay higher insurance premiums.

Interesting - according to the link provided by chelle you return the old one when you get the new one. Every time I've renewed mine they say (at the end of the application process) you should return the old one immediately. I've always returned mine once I've received and checked the new one even though it does seem to be a waste of time.

I didn't bother returning mine and they've never chased me for the old one. That was 2 years ago.

I cut mine up and put it in my kitchen bin.

Mines still paper, dont need to renew it.

So you really are young, (by AB standards.) 

well the paper ones don't need changing unless you move or get disqualified.

it will expire the day before your 70th birthday

Vagus - I hope Burglar Bill or Scammer Sid haven't had a rummage in your dustbin- they might have been able to read your details from it.

Binned mine.....twice now.

This post has reminded me that I just cut up my old one and binned it. My new one arrived about a month ago. I remember the letter told me to cut up the old one and return it to them. It told me the address to send it. The thing is ,the dvla envelope they sent me (can't remember why I got that) has the same address on it bar the last two letters of the postcode. Could I have just changed those two letters? Moot point now I know.

Bhg, if Burglar Bill or any of his mates want to rifle through my bin with all the smelly food waste, etc, and then put together the jigsaw of my cut up driving licence, and then do something with what they can find, I'd give them a gold medal 😁

The DVLA are very bureaucratic, often pointlessly. When I sent them my medically-unfit-to-drive advice form, one question asks whether the licence is enclosed, and if NO why not. 

I ticked NO and said I needed it for ID purposes as I don't have a passport.

I got a letter back saying that if I failed to return it they would mark my  licence record as cancelled. Since my aforementioned form had that result anyway, I've kept it.

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