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Good Morning Early Birds X

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Smowball | 06:42 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

And how is everyone today? Still quite dark here but looks dry anyway. Have washing to dry but will put it on airer in one of the spare rooms, where it always seems to dry just fine. Used to have a tumble dryer but I genuinely never used it - the odd time I did I found it took ages so didn't bother. My wonderful MIL is so funny with washing - she thinks outside washing lines are swear words &  refuses to have one so tumble dries absolutely everything! The odd item that she can't then she puts on a litttle airer in a hidden part of garden where nobody can see it lol! 



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I haven't opened the curtains yet, but lots of light coming through.  We had 'April showers' yesterday but very heavy and had to resort to tumble dryer, could not do without one at all but do prefer outdoor drying.

Not too much on today just shopping and some blood tests.  House move saga goes on and on, we have been promised exchange every Friday for weeks then getting told there is another hitch up the chain.

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Morning ubasses. What is the issue with this house exchange then?? x


We tumble dry everything too.  My wife puts some of her clothes on an airer.

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Morning Barry - so another tumbler I see lol! 

Morning all. No tumbler here, flagrant (ab)use of energy 😇.

Bright sun at present, hope it continues. Nothing planned, just drifting.

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Hi canary. Yes the sun has come out here too so nice and bright at the mo. Don't know why but I've never liked tumble dryers lol. 

Morning, I'm a tumble dryer fan too - never use a washing line.   

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Hi Naomi. Another tumbler lol. Any plans for today?

Morning all, raining and overcast here. Used to have a tumble dryer but no room here so I gave it away. Manage okay with a washing line and the radiators.

Smowball, I hope you are feeling better and caught up on your sleep.

Good morning all. I'm a tumbler too! It's a perfect autumn day here - in all respects except for the temperature. The solar panels are going great guns. I hope you all have good days.

Morning! It's extraordinarily bright and sunny here...hope we see blue skies all day. It makes a huge difference in my mood. I'm in waiting for an RM parcel that will probably arrive in the afternoon. 

My tumble dryer gave up the ghost ages ago and just filled a space in my kitchen until removed recently. I've never missed it. The freezer will go in its place after it's defrosted. I just put most things on hangers or on the radiators. 

If I had an outside line, I'd use it...clothes smell fresh. Actually there used to be several rotary lines down stairs, but no way am I carrying wet laundry down 2 flights. 

Morning all. It chucked it down overnight, and  its quite cool and cloudy now. We have the chimney sweep coming later and I suspect we will give in and light the first fire of the autumn.

I am a tumble drier user in the autumn/winter but try to get things dry on the line in the warmer weather. We get through quite a lot of towels with the dog when its wet, and I  couldn't manage with the condensation without the tumble dryer.

Have a happy day y'all

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