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Why Did My Cat Lash Out At Me

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Treacle71 | 23:03 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers

My cat most of the time sleeps with me. I woke up during the night last night and I stroked him once on his back and if I hadn't moved my arm away he would have attacked me. I saw him lift his leg and paw up ready for war! Why did he do this? Other than that, although he's a feisty thing, he's otherwise fine 🤷



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It was probably just an instinctive fear reaction to being 'attacked' (as his body would have perceived it) while in the middle of enjoying a lovely snooze.
23:27 Sun 15th Sep 2024

It was probably just an instinctive fear reaction to being 'attacked' (as his body would have perceived it) while in the middle of enjoying a lovely snooze.

Maybe you startled him and that was his gut defend himself. He didn't actually touch you though, did he?

Maybe in his dream you were a dog

You woke him up

Let sleeping cats lie.

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Hi pastafreak. No he didn't attack me, but would've, hadn't I moved my arm back in time! 🤷


Aren't you grumpy when you've been woken from a catnap?


I'd lash out at you if you woke me up in the middle of the night 

The action stems from a deep sense of entitlement reinforced by endless drivel about them being special and actually in control, some might say enabled.

it's because cats are b'stards

My late black tom hated his belly being rubbed and always pummeled with his back legs.

I doubt if he "attacked"!

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Thanks all!  Some made me smile xx

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Why Did My Cat Lash Out At Me

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