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HFJL2020 | 21:37 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers

is  it  true  that  horses  have  an  iq  of  200



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So it said in a gallop poll.

No, it's not. Who told you that?

Only in groups of 10.

Have you ever met a horse? 

Only a foal would believe that 😀


Lol @ Doug!...🤣

This article says that horses have the intelligence of "a three-year-old kid".

They might be more intelligent than many; no horse has ever been stupid enough to bet on a horse race.

'A three year old kid' is a fully grown goat.

How much more rubbish will they trot out?

I think that 200 figure is missing a decimal point.

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