Town Quiz - 31 December in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Town Quiz - 31 December

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bluebell56 | 19:12 Sat 16th Nov 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers

Sytruggling with these last towns please. No.6 Who gets the chop in Yorkshire (9). No.10 Stand and deliver (7). No.11 Would like to grow old (7). No.12 Body parts (8). No.14 Hide the cat on board (10).  Thank you. 

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11. Wantage ... Oxfordshire

10.  Andover

12.  Eyemouth

14 Felixstowe

6 Barnsley (chop)

Ooops, mine's only 8 not 9.

Barnsley  looks good- even though it's 8 letters not 9

That's what I was thinking too, Captain 

Question Author

Whoops I do apologise. No.6 is 8 letters not 9.  Excellent answers thank you so much all of you. 

Yeah!!! 😀

12 - Hindhead would also fit?

Hindhead is a village though, not a town Foxes123.

Where's my 'hind'? (and don't say be-hind you). 😂


Don't be sorry Foxes123, your offer is just as important as everyone else's. 

Captain2 - It says body parts - does that mean just human body parts?

Thinking about this, Hindhead might well be a village buit it's "famous" because of the Hindhead Tunnel, part of a by-pass for Hindhead. If the setter is not local to Surrey they may think it's a town even though it really isn't, so class it as qualifying as an answer. It certainly fits the clue beautifully.

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Town Quiz - 31 December

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