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Snowy And TheTumble Dryer

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NORMANTHEDOG | 19:17 Fri 13th Jan 2006 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
Its sad that somone saw fit to remove my question,sad lives some people live,still never mind,just to let you know he is fine after a visit to the vets,his leg is in plaster and is hopping about happy as ever.


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Apparently the vet didn't have to amputate...

Rather like the news article here a while back about the hero pig. Seems a common pig living at a farm had on at least three separate occasions, saved the life of one or more of the farm owners family. A news reporter dispatched to interview the farmer about the heroic pig was noticeable shaken to find the pig missing its right rear leg. When the reporter asked the farmer what had become of the leg the farmer readily admitted that he and his family had eaten it. At this revelation, the reporter was outraged and verbally berated the poor farmer for some time, finally asking why they had eaten the pig's leg. The farmer, mystified by the reporter's attitude replied, "Well, you wouldn't want to eat a valuable pig like that all at one time, would you?"...

I wondered where your post had gone!! Thought I had been imagining things lol

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