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Would You Have A Deceased Pet ‘Taxidermified’?

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naomi24 | 12:21 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

I've probably made that word up - but never mind - the point being I was watching a programme where a cat owner had her dearly departed pet stuffed for posterity.  I've loved all my pets and suffer great distress every time one of them pops its paws - but I really don't think I would want to do that to them.  I suppose it brings comfort to some but I would find it a bit creepy - to say the least.  Could you - and would you - do it?



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The word you are looking for is "stuffed" 😉

No I don't think I would, I'd find it upsetting to have a constant reminder.

If it brings comfort, then fine, but no, I couldn't. 

I have very, very fond memories of their wonderful daftness which replay in my head and make me smile, laugh and or cry.

Not something I could have done, if it was our house would have ended up full of stuffed cats.  I rather like your made up word.

This has brought back memories of That's Life and the stuffed cat. I admit to belly laughing.

I wouldn't want my pets stuffed.  Nice photos of them enjoying life is enough 


On no,I couldn't. Whenever I've seen photos of stuffed pets all I could think about is how stiff and unnatural they look. Not a nice reminder of a loved companion.

Macabre! and the animal can never literally, rest in peace.

All my many late pets were buried in the garden with full dignity & honours. Then prayed for as they pass through the Bardo  

Lordy! Absolutely not.

I'm struggling to look at pictures of my hound who passed in October, so a stuffed version of him would be beyong horrible.

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Khandro, friends of mine have for years taken in retired racing greyhounds - they always have four.  When one pops off they get another.  They have dedicated a whole length of their huge garden to the deceased where they bury the ashes, each with a special plant and plaque marking the spot.  They call it 'Death Row'.   There's humour even in sadness.  😂

I wouldn't and neither would I want a piece of jewellery made from their ashes (synthetic gemstones are possible).

However this does remind me of one tacky joke about a Brit who moves to  a small Oz town near Alice Springs. He's out standing on a plank between two step-ladders and putting up a sign above a shop.

Three locals outside the bar, beers in hand, are watching him. One turns to the others as the sign becomes clear. 'Hey Bruce, do yer know what a taxidermist is?' 

'Nah, Never 'eard of it. Bruce 1'

'What about yer, Bruce 2?'

'Me neither.'

They try guessing and after about fifteen minutes, Bruce 1 says that he's going across to the shop to ask the new man.

"Hey mate, Goodday - tell me what's a taxidermist?"

In a crisp Surrey accent, "I stuff animals."

"Thanks mate." Bruce 1 walks back and says to the other two, "It's okay, Guys, he's like us as he says that he stuffs animals."






"They have dedicated a whole length of their huge garden to the deceased where they bury the ashes, each with a special plant and plaque marking the spot. "

I love this. If I thought this would be my forever home, I would definitely do it.  I have my 2 deceased pets ashes in the living room on the 'Dead Dog Table'

One of our daughters in law lived on a small sheep farm run by her parents. She had a riding school, owned nine cats and two pigs. Because the sheep were sold both for their meat and their beautiful Curley grey fleeces, she had access to a place that skinned and dealt with animal skins. She has two complete horse skins as rugs which are very unusual, and I believe all nine cat skins somewhere although I've never seen them. The pigs Hamlet and Ophelia were just buried when their time came.

We have a couple of the sheep fleeces ourselves, and I have a scarf, all in this lovely curly grey.

I doubt our DIL would have had any of her beloved animals stuffed but the horse skins are really nice.

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Would You Have A Deceased Pet ‘Taxidermified’?

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